Monday, August 29, 2005


Wahahaaa! I find these quizzes absolutely hilarious! Lol ...

Your Deadly Sins

Envy: 100%

Pride: 80%

Sloth: 80%

Gluttony: 40%

Greed: 40%

Wrath: 40%

Lust: 20%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 57%

You will die a boring death. While dying, you will be jealous of those who die dramatic deaths.

And from the colour of my underwear, they were able to determine:

You are


You Are a Liberal for Life

You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.

For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.

You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.

Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too.



Saturday, August 27, 2005


I scampered into the R&D building this morning, and no sooner than I did, the sky loosed its fury in torrents. I think my heel got wet.

It rained today. It rained and rained and rained. It was most welcome, especially after the thick, haze-stricken week we had last week before it mysteriously disappeared. Wasn't it odd, how it was just suddenly .. clear? Almost crystal clear, at that.

I welcomed the rain for a very different reason, though. Simply put, I love the rain.

I love it when it rains. Sudden squalls, short showers, torrential thunderstorms, delicate drizzles - I love it all. I've never been afraid of thunderstorms, not even as a child. Sure, the sudden crack of thunder still startles me, but never frightens. When I was little I would sit at the window with my face right up against the glass panes, watching lightning strikes and rain fall. My grand-aunt would always pull me away for fear of my being struck by lightning. :o)

I love the smell of rain, I can smell it hours before it falls. It smells gorgeous; like fresh wetness. And I can always sense when it is just about to pour, there is a heaviness to the air, a palpable pressure, a sort of pressing anticipation. And the close steam that rises off the ground immediately after it rains, there are few better warmths.

Have you ever danced in the rain? It's liberating, for some reason, it is liberating. And the coolness of rain on your skin, it's beautiful. Now, I am a daughter of the Malaysian Sun through and through, and I can't really stand to be cold. I get cold very quickly, and air-conditioning for me has to be nothing lower than 23∞C or my fingers and nose go numb. I must have been a lizard in my past life. Cold makes me lethargic. But the rain. *shivers with delight*

The coolness of rain seeps into your skin, a delicate tinge that lasts long after you've dried off. And your skin always feels so .. different. So much softer, so much more .. gebu. And I've never experienced hair to ever be softer than after its been rain-washed.

I don't get to indulge in such heathen-like practises anymore, not here with the acid rain and shite. *grumbles* I'll always remember school holidays in Terengganu with my cousins, playing in the rain where it was relatively a whole lot cleaner. And at times when I unavoidably get caught in the rain, like yesterday, the sensations bring back a whole host of warm memories.

My favourite thing to do when it rains is Nothing. Absolutely nothing, but listening to it fall. I especially love listening to rain fall on aluminium awnings. Its so noisy! Perhaps it triggers some good feelings from some deep-buried memory of childhood, I know not, but I find its noise soothing.

I am quiet when it rains. It seems appropriate, giving the rain the reverence it's due. I love watching rain slide down glass panes. I love how the world outside suddenly becomes hushed and seemingly at peace, a brief reprieve from the bustling of an ordinary day.

If it rains when I'm at KLCC, I like to buy a book and sit at Kino's Book Club with a lovely double. If it rains when I am at home, I love to curl up in bed under the duvet and read a book with the curtains drawn back. The only thing I can think of that could possibly top that is being in bed, under the duvet, with a nice, warm other person to curl up to. Lol....

Its lunch-time now, and it's still raining, a lazy, mist-like drizzle. And while I should have been studying boring technical drawings of chassis components, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sound and the smell of the rain.

~ Thursday, 18th August 2005

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Freaky-Passionate (or Freakily-Passionate?) Kisser Ahoy!

Part Freaky Kisser

When you kiss, you want to experience something new
A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing...
And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable
There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go

Part Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble



Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Sigh. As things are currently somewhat slow at the office now, I thought I might as well write an update.

I've done it! I've managed to get myself a job in a factory! ;oP haha .. well, I'm not really working in the factory proper, being in the R&D department, but it's still fun, nonetheless.

Is the job interesting? It's too early to tell, I've only been here a week, where I haven't been doing much apart from reading manuals, manuals, and more manuals. And everyone speaks in abbrevations, it's so hard to follow conversations most times.

So I talked to the PIC at PVD, and he said that the LPTL for the PQCM1 came back NG and we can't proceed with Pilot Pro. We'll have to do an ECI, so call EIT and have them draft us an official copy, and make sure you tell PP that TA needs a copy, and to cc TE along with a TRF.

*crickets chirping*

Hmmmm .....

I kid you not. I go everywhere with my Little Red (Note)Book, jotting down abbreviations, then sit at my desk trying to decode them. Everyone seems too busy for me to bug, altho they did say I could ask them anything at all. Still, I didn't want to bother everyone with silly questions. :oP

Random observation: there are a helluva lot of Malays working here, but just about everyone speaks English quite well - what a relief!!

Uh.. that's really about it at the moment. No real work yet to enthuse about, so that'll have to wait. But so far, I like what I see, and I think I'll be staying for a while. I can't wait to see where I'll go from here! :o)


Also, due to my working in Rawang, I've found a place nearby. Yay! Am finally moving out! Almost embarrassing only moving out at the ripe old age of 25, but this is Malaysia, the land where two-thirds of the population live bawah ketiak mak until they marry .. and even then half of them still don't leave home, so maybe I should be so embarrassed after all. ;oP

It's a lovely-ing-ly spacious stand-alone, for significantly less than the price of renting a cubby-hole in a shoe-box in KL. Rawang has its redeeming qualities, I suppose. Four rooms (FOUR!), with a small kitchen and two baths. Ok, so the bathrooms are miniscule, but I have a lot of space for a lovely garden with a big papaya tree already growing in the back. And it's in fruit! Lots of it! :oD

The neighbourhood is great, lots of people but really quiet. No shops in the immediate area, which is probably why it's so quiet, but with the shops only a short hop-and-a-skip away.

The neighbours .. ermmm .. well. They seem to be the .. how can I phrase this delicately? Melayu busybody. We had repainted the interior walls a bright yellow, and from across the lorong, across the lorong!!, Cik Timah can call out, "Rumah awak kuning, yeeeeeeeee?" We had covered the windows!!! And my immediate neighbour, the wife looks like one of the more regressive ustazahs I had in school.

*shudder* God, I hated that ustazah. All the answer she had to my questions of, "Why?" was to fix a stony, dumb stare my way, say, "Sebab Allah dah takdirkan, apa nak buat??", and announce that I would only find eternal damnation for my heretical inquisitiveness. Well, no, she didn't damn me to all hells, but she did at one point, announce to the class that people like me are beyond help and redemption. So much for being an educator of religion. What could a 'teacher' (and I use the term extremely loosely, she didn't teach me shit) like that do to an impressionable young teen? It's people like that who give religion a bad name, and here she was teaching it!

As an adult now, I am horrified. I am afraid my own children will go to school and be taught to be narrow-minded, to have their curiosity squelched, to be taught bullshit like that "ustazah" was trying to unload on us. By God, I hated that woman. And I thank God for people like Ustazah Fatimah and Ustazah Mashitah. Wonderful teachers they were, and wonderfully perspective religious people they were, in a world where a lot of people take religion on face value without bothering to, nay, even wanting to ask, to understand the fundamental purpose and meaning of it all.

Uhm ... back to my house. Yes, I don't like the look of my neighbours - it doesn't help that the kopiah-and-janggut kambing-combo husband never looks my way (his gaze always just slides past me as if I was invisible, I hate that, I always immediately distrust people like that!) - but I won't judge on appearances alone. She could be a wonderful person, they could both be wonderful people, but I'll be wary of them nonetheless. Always better safe than sorry. *wink*

Well, my place is lovely now. Not as complete as I'd have it, but that will be achieved in time. I shall be moving in today. I can't wait. :o)

By the way, am in good spirits this week as I just bought Mac's iBook G4 over the weekend! It's soooo cute! I love my new toy. *G*



Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Quickie

Sorry all. Things have been extremely hectic of late. Will update properly when I finally get a moment to sit. But here's generally what's been going on:

Started work at Perodua in Rawang on Monday. It's been ... boring, so far. And everyone speaks in abbreviations there. Bahasa apa pulak dia orang cakap nih? I sit at my desk all day trying to decipher and decode everything I hear. EVERYTHING. I expect things will improve, it's only been 3 days, after all. Will update properly later, yeah? Sorry!

As a result of working 70km from home and civilisation, I've had to rent a house in Rawang, or face an appox. 2hrs drive to AND fro every day. I kid you not. I found a place last Monday and have been busy all last week trying to make it habitable. It's almost ready, I expect to move in this weekend.

Will update properly once things have settled down. *gurn* Hugz all around.

