Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Passing Breeze

You know, they say you may forget the names of people, you may even forget their faces, but you never forget the way they made you feel.

I've been thinking about them of late; the people of my past. No, not just the romantic episodes, just .. people who have left impressions on me, and who I've never seen since.

I remember nursery school. Apparently, I attended a Montessori kindie. I don't remember. Anyway, I was four years old (still being weaned off diapers, yes), and I had a sweetheart. I remember he was this huge Chinese boy who used to carry my sand pail to the sandbox for me, every single time.

I remember too, Mrs Nayaranan, who gave me my first colouring book. Lol. At the kindie, we used to get only one ripped-out page to colour, and if you were deemed good enough (ie. colour within the lines - they were raising sheeeeep!!) you got a whole colouring book to yourself. I remember I was close to the last person to not have my own colouring book yet, and when I finished the picture of that clown (always a damned clown!), and after answering that I had left the gloves blank on purpose because they were supposed to be white, I finally got my own book. I remember feeling so ... satisfied, and accomplished. So satisfied and accomplished that I finished colouring it before I was supposed to (one page a day only) that I got told off for sneaking into the activities cupboard and crayon smuggling. :op


I remember the girl from my Maryvale Good Shepard kindie, Mimi, who came to my sixth birthday party and gave me a Snow White doll, which I treasured for years. It was the first doll to have flexible elbow and knees, waaay before Barbie. Lol. We sent her home after the party. I think she lived in PJ.

I remember Eizwan. Lol! My dearest, dearest Eizwan. :o)

Strangely, though, I don't remember my first crush. I remember my huuuugest crush (over someone 9 years my senior!), but I don't remember my first crush.

Well, proper one, over a boy I actually knew, that is. :o)

I remember my first, real romantic ... well, for lack of a better word, relationship, We were in the same choir, so we saw each other every Saturday AND Sunday. For three years.

He was a complete dork! Lol. It was he who introduced me to Magic, the Gathering. *rolleyes* Lol. But it was also he who introduced me to the wonderful genre of Fantasy, so you won't ever hear me complain. And besides, he was kinda cute. *G*

I had a lot of fun with him. It was great fun... but we never made it even to the holding-hands bit.

Give me a break! I had grown up in an all-girls school all my life! I was too unsure of myself way back then to make the first move, and though he was a year older, being a complete dork, I guess he was too shy too.

But we said a lot of things in a hundred small, different ways. Like how we always practised dance steps for the musicals together, even after we had perfected it because we just had so much fun dancing with each other.

And how we'd sit for lengths of time talking about books, movies .. aaah, I'm sure you lot know the drill.

He gave me his favourite glass pebbles. It may not seem like a lot, a bit strange even, but there was a lot of worth in that strange, simple gift.


I wonder where he is now.

It's been nine years since. Yes, nine, but I can recall every memory with clarity. You never forget the way someone made you feel, and at a time when you were a chubby, too-tall and too-big 16-year-old and being good-looking was the only thing there was to being an attractive person, you never forget how someone saw beyond the plain exterior to the person you are, or have the potential to be, inside.

Some things, Time cannot take away from you.

... and with a little bit of patience, Time rewards you with so much more. :o)



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