Monday, April 12, 2004

Just to Fill the Void ...


Nothing of great interest has occurred since the last entry, nor has anything weird popped into my head for me to muse about. So why am I writing? It may have something to do with the fact that I am a new blogger and, perhaps, as a result have this nagging compulsion to write something .. anything! .. for filler's sake. lol .. obsessive, obsessive me ...

Speaking of obsessions, the new group exercise schedules at Fitness First DU are out .. whoopee! .. and sad as it may be, I have now planned entire weeks around said schedule. I am turning into a gym-junkie. (But it's just so much fun!!!) lolz .. If you told me a year ago that I would be going to the gym for fun, I would have written you off as being completely insane, and a wishful madperson at that! Oh, how things change! Yes, the once-incorregible sloth now goes to the gym when there is nothing else to do. (Watch TV? They've got 8 channels of ASTRO at the gym!) Of course, the muito macho gym instructors who make up the veritable smorgasboard of eye-candy provide the divine inspiration and unparallelled motivation for hoofing it over to the gym. They definitely make working out sooooo much more of an oogle-cum-flirt-fest and less a chore!! *hee hee heeeee..*

Yes, the group exercises are a ton of fun .. yes, even despite the aching muscles that lasts for days after. I wonder if I may be slightly masochistic; those aches and pains actually make me feel .. like I'm doing something useful. *????* lolz .. This feeling of needing to feel useful may have something to do with my current state of being stuck in a rut. Funny, isn't it, what a sense of lack of accomplishment does to the psyche?

Well, as it's all in line of my efforts to lose weight anyway ... Although thinking about it now, there hasn't been significant change in that department since I first joined the gym in October .. *hmm* .. There you have it, ladies and gents. Going to the gym DOES NOT aid in weight loss. *bleah* Well, at least it's built up my stamina. I actually managed to take in a 1-hour trek without wheezing like an asthmatic elephant! Hooray for me! *G*

I read this today. I wonder that people often take things too seriously nowadays. I thought the piece was extremely beautiful .. and sad. It was an important reminder to the necessity of letting your inhibitions go. Your writings have never failed to move me, Min. :o)

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