Saturday, April 24, 2004


MAKSIM! MAKSIM! MAKSIM!!! *swooooooon*

Went to see him in action last night. Was totally not disappointed!! His technique was truly superb .. it's so mind-boggling when you see such wonderful precision with the keys *swooooon!* His talent! His charisma! His sexy-smooth voice! *swooooooooon!!* *G*

Funny thing is, I wouldn't have even known of it had my Mak Ngah not called and offered me free tix. WOOHOO!! Of course I said yes, and immediately thought of who would most appreciate the experience as she offered to get me as many as I wanted. Eh heh. I am one to take advantage, I just don't take it too far. ;oP It was sorted! I would be going to see Maksim in enjoyable company!!

At Yazmin's house after lunch, she received the unbeatable offer of FRONT ROW tickets to the concert!!! EeEeEeEeeee!! And we managed to get it! Double EeEeEeEeeee!!!!!! (I only found out later - through her blog! - that there was a small token to pay! Wait till I get my hands on you! If it was only one ticket for me, pun takpe. But I had a friend tagging along! Min .....) Anyway, the VIP tix were the best side of fantastic! Thanx so much, Min!! *huggles*

I'm not very eloquent even at the best of times, so you can read a better version of the concert here, but when he came on (in almost-total darkness for almost half a minute, no thanks to careless lighting technicians), my first thought was, "Alah! Halusnya!" Really, he's so cekeding! Aiyoh, kurusnya budak ni. Kat London takde makan ke? And I was also wondering, eh, is it really him? I think he looks very little like his photos! I mean, I know some people can look very different in photographs, but this was the most extreme case of it I've ever seen. All doubts dissipated, however, upon the first few bars. There was no mistaking the flair and masterful precision! I was watching Maksim in action! Live! From the first three rows!!! EeEeEeEeeee!!

Absolutely unforgettable! Thanx Min! and Ija!! *huggles*

At home, I dropped like a sack due to being awake 36 hours. As usual, I was finishing the last of my thesis (which, by the way, was finally approved by my supervisor, which means no more sleepless nights!!) the night before, so I pulled a final all-nighter. The day then filled up pretty fast, and before I could turn twice, the Maksim concert was over! Slept like a log till noon (hey! I'm allowed! I've been working my butt off with minimal sleep for the past half a year because of that thesis!!) and woke to what I thought would be a leisurely day. Week. At least a month.

Wrong!! Mum immediately put me to work helping her out with this contract she's got, which would require my working 7 days a week, 4 to 10 every evening until the end of June. *AaAaAraaaargh* Takde chance nak rileks lansung! On the flip side, my upah is an umrah trip after this is all over. Yay! I've been meaning to go for so long now, I hope it happens! :o)

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