So, I was hired as the Project Engineer, right? As there aren't any current projects, my job, at the moment, constitutes reading up on the equipment we supply and methods of installation. Right.
My boss, however, thinks that I may not be able to deal with possibly difficult contractors because as he sees it, my 'hands are too soft'. They, apparently, are too animated when I talk. How is that relevant??
He also doubts my ability to work in tough site conditions as it is bound to make me 'sweat'. It's usually very hot, you know?
He doesn't think I can competently even find my way around a work site, but refuses to find out whether or not I can by REFUSING to let me go to one. Why? He doesn't have time to 'teach me'. I never asked him to babysit me! I want to look at the equipment!! I said as much, but he was adamant in being arsey.
Oh, and he walked up to my desk today to tell me that he has secured a contract, but that he will head the project himself, despite having soooooo much work to do, on TOP of marketing to handle (he has a sales/marketing engineer, btw) that he just doesn't know how he'll handle it all!!
"Ummm ... but you did hire me to handle, or at the very least assist with the projects, right?"
"Yeah, so I don't know if you want to be involved in this project ..."
WTF???!! "Yes, I do."
"... Okay, if you want to be involved, then I suggest that you develop your intelligence as soon as possible."
What the flaming fuck....????!!!!
I swear, I was steaming. There is no pleasing this guy! I've been here a week and a half, and already he had me do this full presentation for one of the equipment, just to see how much I've learned in a week. Okay, fair enough, but despite being able to field every question he shot at me, and despite my asking 'interesting and insightful questions' (his OWN words, I swear!) back at him, he "still doesn't find much to be impressed with me just yet". Does he expect me to design and build Titanic II in a week??!!
We went on a site visit to demonstrate another equipment to potential buyers, and he asked me to write a brief report based on my observations of the PEOPLE involved and their reactions, NOT on the equipment that was being demonstrated. Fine. We got back to the office after lunch, I wrote it out and submitted it before I went home. That was Thursday.
He didn't read it until Tuesday, and chewed me out for being tardy! And lazy! That was it. Unfair is unfair and this was a bit too much. It was a tribute to my mother the way I held my temper in check and politely, albeit through gritted teeth, explained my side of it.
And after he had read through my report, commented that I didn't seem to look at things from a technical point-of-view, which suggests that I may be unsuitable for field work.
What the ...??!!! I give up!
So I'll see my three-month probation out, as I want to see what it'll be like once the project goes underway. In the meanwhile, I think I'll root around for something new.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Inggeris Patience
Ugh. I suppose I was wrong when I assumed professionals could, nay, should be able to speak English well, but despite reading the hilarious accounts of MrsNad's boss, the BOIW from Inggeris-hell, I still stubbornly, naively held on to my belief that working people, especially those working in offices, could speak it well. I really should have known better. All I could do was sit there, just short of stuffing tissue in my mouth to muffle the incredulous laughter.
"Harllow? I am calling from Company X. Yes, I am calling regarding the documentaries I lee-see-ving from you fax me ah. Yes, I lee-seeve alreddi, but this is my first time come across this, so I need your adwisement? ... Oh, ok. So I will get the authorization signatories from my boss and fax return it to you? Ok. Teng kyoooop." [hangs up]
oh, and my boss, while not so hopeless, had this to say about one of the company's products:
"Our system is virtually maintenance-free, and almost never breaks down! Of course, after a while - maybe 10 years - there might be some minor problems, but breakdown? I'd say .. only once in a full moon! Guaranteed!"
I kid you not.
"Harllow? I am calling from Company X. Yes, I am calling regarding the documentaries I lee-see-ving from you fax me ah. Yes, I lee-seeve alreddi, but this is my first time come across this, so I need your adwisement? ... Oh, ok. So I will get the authorization signatories from my boss and fax return it to you? Ok. Teng kyoooop." [hangs up]
oh, and my boss, while not so hopeless, had this to say about one of the company's products:
"Our system is virtually maintenance-free, and almost never breaks down! Of course, after a while - maybe 10 years - there might be some minor problems, but breakdown? I'd say .. only once in a full moon! Guaranteed!"
I kid you not.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Cehck Tihs Out!
So arpaeptnly trehe was tihs raesecrh at Cmabgrdie Uinervtisy on the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. It semes taht it deonst mtaetr waht oredr the ltteers of a wrod are in, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you wlil sitll be albe to raed it wouthit a porbelm. Arpaeptnly tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Fciansniatg. Asboultley ficasnntiag... I wolud wirte a wlohe psot tihs way, but its too tmie csonumnig .. ;o)
Fciansniatg. Asboultley ficasnntiag... I wolud wirte a wlohe psot tihs way, but its too tmie csonumnig .. ;o)
Thursday, April 07, 2005
A Random Rant on the Subject of Bellies
Y'know what?
I think all women, even the skinniest (especially the skinniest!), should have bellies. Okay, I'm not talking about hanging-over-the-belt type guts (guilty as charged), but small, slight ones.
I think there are few things more alluring and endearing than the soft curve of a belly on a woman. Which is why I find the mannequins at Escada KLCC so adorable. ;o)
Aiyah! All women look at - and appreciate! - bodies of other women! Get over it!
Really. I think it makes women look .. softer. Vulnerable, in a non-pushover way. Nurturing. Ethereal in a Botticelli's Venus way. Cute.
Seriously, angular women freak the hell out of me. Oh, I won't deny I've looked at them pair of thin thighs and wished I could fit into those skinny pants, but the sight of them jutting pelvic bones with the skin just straaaaaaaaining to cover them more or less puts me off. And collarbones which threaten to put my eyes out, they're a rant post unto themselves.
Models. I just don't think it's natural. I'm sorry, but models scare me. But whenever I come across one, I find myself unable to pull my eyes away. They're fascinating in the way major car accidents and six-legged goats are fascinating. It's almost impossible to look away. Whoever first dubbed them clothes-hangers were not kidding. And if they were those lovely padded hangers which come with little ribbons it wouldn't be so bad. No, they're definitely those bare-wire hangers which leave irritating 'bumps' on the shoulders of your favourite blouse.
Give me a beautiful, small, soft belly any day.
I think all women, even the skinniest (especially the skinniest!), should have bellies. Okay, I'm not talking about hanging-over-the-belt type guts (guilty as charged), but small, slight ones.
I think there are few things more alluring and endearing than the soft curve of a belly on a woman. Which is why I find the mannequins at Escada KLCC so adorable. ;o)
Aiyah! All women look at - and appreciate! - bodies of other women! Get over it!
Really. I think it makes women look .. softer. Vulnerable, in a non-pushover way. Nurturing. Ethereal in a Botticelli's Venus way. Cute.
Seriously, angular women freak the hell out of me. Oh, I won't deny I've looked at them pair of thin thighs and wished I could fit into those skinny pants, but the sight of them jutting pelvic bones with the skin just straaaaaaaaining to cover them more or less puts me off. And collarbones which threaten to put my eyes out, they're a rant post unto themselves.
Models. I just don't think it's natural. I'm sorry, but models scare me. But whenever I come across one, I find myself unable to pull my eyes away. They're fascinating in the way major car accidents and six-legged goats are fascinating. It's almost impossible to look away. Whoever first dubbed them clothes-hangers were not kidding. And if they were those lovely padded hangers which come with little ribbons it wouldn't be so bad. No, they're definitely those bare-wire hangers which leave irritating 'bumps' on the shoulders of your favourite blouse.
Give me a beautiful, small, soft belly any day.
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