Monday, October 11, 2004

To Him.

Fuck Him.

What makes men think that they're allowed to play games? They hate it when women play games, and then they do a 180 and, in turn, fuck with your mind.

Why is it that He is allowed to ask me the most difficult questions, and actually expects me to answer them .. and yet, avoids one I ask at all fucking costs?? Fuck You. I know they're difficult, but you think the things You ask me are so fucking trifling to me? Fuck You for thinking you're the only one entitled to fucking answers!!

Fuck all men who play games. No, screw that. I curse them all to an entire life of UnFuck. No fuck, of any form, of any magnitude what-so-ever for the rest of their fucking lives.

*Fumes* How is it that you can love a person so much, and yet hate him with every fibre of your being? I so fucking hate Him right now.

Fuck this. Love him or not, it's time to fight back. I've fucking had enough of being Little Miss Understanding, Little Miss Complacent, Little Miss This-Is-Fun-Fucking-With-Jas'-Mind. You owe me answers, and they're way past due.

I've truly got nothing to lose. I have nothing. I've always had nothing, from You. Now it's time to get something back for me. No more Little Miss Nice-Girl.

It's time to fuck back.

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