Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The Best Guy In The World .. Is Not Mine! *sob*

Hmm .. for someone who's supposedly busy working on her thesis, I sure am spending a lot of time here... :oD

Today, someone did something for me that was really sweet, and though it was expected coz I specifically asked for the favour, he went five extra miles to get it to me on time, and perfectly done, right down to the most minute detail. Fact is that he was under no obligation to help me, in fact had every right to refuse coz he himself was already really busy with other responsibilities. I would have understood had he not been able to deliver, yet he did. And then some.

So I'm writing this to express how grateful I am for his help, how grateful I am for him. If I lived a million years, I could never begin to repay everything he's done for me, and I'll never be able to describe exactly what he means to me.

Baby, thanks for everything. You mean so much more to me than you'll ever understand .. even if you don't want to. I love you with all my being, and I don't care if you'd rather I don't ... coz I do! So there! lol.

It bites that I met you too late. I'll never forgive myself for that. But if not in this lifetime, then maybe the next. That doesn't make me feel any differently, though. You are my world, you always will be. Thank you for showing me how to love, and thank you for loving me.

Also, curse you, goddamit! I'll never get married now, coz the chances of my meeting another you is preeeeetty slim .. and after showing me my perfect guy exists, how can you expect me to settle for anything less???!?!! Damn you for setting an impossible standard for all future prospects to live up to!!


Baby, thanks. :o)

Okay .. enough with the mushiness! This is amusing. Check it out:

Does this color look Blue to You?!

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