Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The First Entry!! .. err .. not as startling as it may sound ...

Whoop-dee-doo! A blog of my very own! I've always been meaning to get one, but procrastination once again got in the way of my achieving something. Yes, the professional procrastinator, that's me. That's not to say I don't achieve anything (due to this nasty habit, I've also become a pro at getting things done in a jiffy ;OP) but it always makes me wonder how much better I could have done something if only I had put more time into it. Not something to be proud of, fer sure, but there's something to admitting your weakness (or weaknesses) and dealing with it. Aiyaiyai! Must drop this habit. Maybe later ... *nye hee*

So, why do I want a blog? I suppose it could be that I can't keep anything about myself TO myself, but that has a slightly unsavoury ring to it, so I'll just say that it's bcoz I like sharing things with people. Hee hee.

But seriously, there's something undeniably therapeutic about writing out your thoughts where someone else can read them. It's like telling your problems to a stranger (poor stranger). Call it weird, but it's nonetheless unburdening to have someone else listen to you, regardless of whether or not people do read your blog.

Okey-dokey. (I really should stop using cute-sey phrases like this. It makes me uncool...) A little bit about me now.

I'm currently in my last MONTH of study (I study Mechanical Engineering) and what I really should be doing is working on my thesis, which, incidentally, is due next week. So what am I doing writing a blog entry???!!!??!! (deep breath) All together now:


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