Sunday, June 13, 2004

KLite .. Proud and Lovin' It

What is it with people who move to KL from .. other places (read: KAMPUNGS!!!!) .. and then gripe on and on and on about how KL is so polluted lah, crime rate so high lah, people so impersonal and unfriendly lah, food not as good/authentic/fresh as it is back home lah, traffic jams so bad here not like back home where there's never a traffic jam even during peak periods lah ... you get the idea ... but still choose to stay here?

If it's sooooo good at home, go home lah! Nobody's making you stay, are they? If the food is sooooo good back home, then go eat at home! Buat semak je kat KL ni with all you kampung people menyibuk here, tak sedar that they are the ones who make KL so congested to begin with. Tak sedar diri lansung .. and then they actually have the nerve to complain?!?!?! Ni yang buat aku naik berang nih ...


Sorry. These people just irritate me to no end! They come here looking for a better life, then proceed to put down so much about it when they find themselves out of their depths and unable to keep pace .. then wax overly lyrical about whatever Hicksville they call home, and how everything there is by faaaaaar superior to KL. And yet, after realising how much better everything is at home, they still refuse(!) to go home ... 'cause KL is where It Is! Bloody inconsistent beruks. Make up your minds. Either stay and shut the f*ck up, or go home and shut the f*ck up. Either way, just shut the f*ck up. Keep your small-town opinions to yourself, because KLites are interested in neither you NOR your little opinions.

Shite excuses like "just a hint of homesickness" don't hold water in the bucket. If you came here looking for a better life, better education or to cari rezeki or whatever, you don't piss on the one that fed you.

I'm not saying non-KLites are not welcome here. They're more than welcome. And I understand pride for your hometown, but you don't go around dissing someone else's home, ESPECIALLY NOT to the face of someone who was born and bred in KL. F*ckin Hell, I don't go to f*cking boring Ipoh and go on and on and on about how dead that place is and oh! what a paradise I think KL is (even though I really DO think Ipoh is absolutely catatonic and KL is really where things are At.) It's just f*cking bad manners, man!

And maybe that's what bothers me the most; the lack of sensitivity, lack of consideration, and plain f*cking bad manners. Oh. One more: small-mindedness.

Another thing I've noticed about a lot of people who did not grow up in large cities is that they tend to be very small-minded. And if they happen to be Chinese, it's worse! Their mindset seem to be somewhat paradoxical: they tend to be (in varying degrees, but almost always very) community-minded, to the point where they almost lose all sense of individuality, but yet they tend to be so self-centered. Being selfish, yet a non-individual. Selfish sheep. Baaaaa.

Yes, I know this only applies to some people. There are people I know who moved here from elsewhere and they do have fond recollections of home, and yes, sometimes the food back home is better, but KL has been good to them, that's why they stay. They sometimes do privately think home is better, but KL is good too and after so many years, KL also became home.

You just don't piss in the house that sheltered you.

Everyday I am grateful I grew up in KL. Everyday I am grateful for this wonderful city, bustling with life. Everyday I'm grateful for the lessons I've learned from her, from her people. Everyday I'm glad I don't live in a Hickstown where someone's dirty laundry becomes everybody's business.

One of the more valuable lessons I'm glad I've learned from growing up in the city is Respect for Personal Space. In small communities, everybody knows your name, as the theme song goes. I won't deny it has its pros, but for a highly private person like me, it definitely has its cons. In KL, that kind of familiarity is rare.

I love that I can walk on the streets without having to bother saying "Hi!" every few meters, because if I wanted company, I would call a friend. I suppose I could just stay at home if I wanted to be left alone, but that gets lonely. Walking around KL by myself gives me this feeling of complete privacy around people. I can be alone without being lonely. It is truly unique.

It's not saying that KLites are unfriendly. By far. I find that KLites are amongst the warmest and people you would find. KLites are adept at being totally impersonal on one hand, yet extremely welcoming on the other. I find it so easy to strike up a pleasant conversation with just about anyone on the LRT, yet everyone would leave you completely alone should you so desire.

KL is a wonderful melting pot of cultures, cuisines, personalities and quirks. That's what I love most about KL: her quirks. I love KL and she's been good to me. That's why I'll never leave. No matter where I might go, no matter who I turn out to be, I'll always come back. This is my home, it always will be.

Sigh. It's late, I'm woozy. I'm going to sleep.

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