Friday, May 14, 2004


I'm back!!!

Redang was, as always, beautiful. I've truly lost track of the number of times I've visited the place, but everytime I go, it claims another little piece of my heart. This time was no different. My little paradise on Earth. I came home with a gorgeous tan and a few phone numbers (a couple of which I really wanted), so I can't say it was an entirely disappointing weekend. *Tee hee*

Also came back with an education as to how things almost fall into your lap when you're a woman in a bikini. Tsk tsk, I guess there really is a reason as to why stereotypes exist. Men really do think with their heads *ahem* .. which also brings a certain element of danger to the games I play. Isyh, isyh, isyh ... I've been good at handling situations so far, but sometimes I do wonder if my luck will one day run out. Freaky .. but it's just so much fun.

However, while Redang was good, the rest of the vacation wasn't. Lots of things were said .. lots of issues provoked .. lots of emotions running high, mainly mine. While I am not typically the most emotional person around, this time, things got rough. For me. Mostly. If there had been 8 dwarves, I'd have been Weepy.

I remember a time when I felt generally happy, with the occasional upset. I remember such a time, but I can't remember in the slightest what it felt like. The situation now seems totally reversed: this huge, gaping void with the occassional, brief glimmer of laughter.

Rain, rain on my face,
It hasn't stopped raining for days.
My world is a Flood.
Slowly I become
One with the Mud.

"Flood" ~ Jars of Clay

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